Doctor of Ministry

nature of the program:

The Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.) is a doctorate level program offered by the Manipur Theological College in collaboration with United Graduate School of Theology, Hoseo University, Republic of South Korea. As per the policy of the D. Min. Research committee, it is a three years program.

This program is a professional doctoral degree in Christian ministry. It aims to promote advanced biblical and theological training to Christian leaders who are actively engaged in some form of Christian ministry. It is designed to equip men and women with the opportunity to pursue advanced study to gain knowledge and build confidence in their ministry. It also aims to deepen the knowledge of the context and the content of the church’s mission in the contemporary socio-economic and religio-cultural realities of India today.

vision & mission of the program:

  1. Doctor of ministry program is designed for those who are actively engaged in different forms of Christian ministry.
  2. The program aims to develop life-long disciples and servants of Christ to meet the needs of the church and society.
  3. The program is directed to create an atmosphere of oneness and to prepare the research scholars to be more effective servants and faithful shepherds who will fulfil the Great Commission of the Lord.
  4. The program is designed to equip and train Christian ministers to become effective witnesses of God’s word to the people in various contexts.
  5. The program nurtures excellence in research and writing.


  1. All applicants for admission to D. Min program at Manipur Theological College must hold a degree of Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.) or Master of Divinity (M. Div.) or Master of Theology (M.Th.) from an approved college or recognised university with grade B (60 %).
  2. All applicants must have completed minimum five years in any form of Church ministry.
  3. No applicants irrespective of their theological background shall apply if he or she has no engagement in any forms of Church ministry.


  • The duration of the research (D. Min program) shall be three years and the candidate is expected to complete the degree within five years from the date of registration. Research thesis is to be submitted only after two and half years. If any candidate is unable to complete their studies within the stipulated five years, an extension of time maximum of two years will be considered to complete the degree, albeit with a continuation fee of Rs. 10,000/- (for each year) subject to the recommendation of the supervisor and approval of the D. Min committee.

course requirements:


Each candidate will be required to attend all the modules on campus (Manipur Theological College/Manipur Baptist Convention)


Each candidate will have to to complete a total of 60 credit hours of course work.


A candidate should write a total of 8 assessment papers (each paper of 3000-4000 words).


A candidate should write a total of 4 book reviews (900-1000 words each)

entrance test

All prospective applicants seeking admission to D. Min program must pass both written (descriptive) and interview (oral test). For written examinations applicants will be tested basic knowledge of Christian ministry and General knowledge. Those who pass the written test only will be called for interview.


Dean: Rev. Dr. Paolen Haokip

Mobile: +91-7005573326
